Settlement services are agencies and programs that are designed for newcomers to Canada. These services are intended to help people settle and adjust to their new home. Many newly arrived LGBTQ Muslims experience challenges such as building a new community, finding affirming spaces. In addition, uncertainty about when it’s safe to share personal information and the experience of being a racial minority for the first time can also be uniquely challenging. While most newcomers are happy to be in Canada, they may also struggle with the loss of their community, customs, and culture back home.
In general, settlement services are not LGBTQ-specific but are LGBTQ-friendly. These services can provide:
Interpretation and translation support (e.g. for appointments, documents, referral letters)
Support to fill out application forms (e.g. housing, social assistance, employment)
English language classes
Access to job postings, work-related training, and bridging programs for internationally trained people
Information about other community services, schools and health care
Each province has at least one settlement agencies. See the list below as a starting point.
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
Settlement Agencies in Saskatchewan (via International Women of Saskatoon)